about us

It really does all start with an idea.

When a person has an idea and the idea grows and takes on life, purpose and meaning, it becomes a passion and obsession for that person.  Passion defined is “an intense desire or enthusiasm for something”.

Have you ever met someone who was completely and utterly focused on a passion and dream that it was all-consuming?


It can be quite contagious too. This person has an ability to compel those closest to him or her to believe in the dream. Such is the case with our story.


And when the dream starts to become a reality,  naturally it must be shared.


It’s the child who has uncontained excitement and wonder and insists upon the attention of those nearby to share in the moment. It’s the artist who creates and manifests something from within that must be expressed for the sheer pain of not sharing. It must be created. There is no choice.


It’s also the person who has the vision, the drive and the conviction to build from what began as the idea. The idea took shape and now exists. It had to. This is passion.


Nantahala Ridge Campground (NRC) is such a thing.


What began as the idea to create a space where travelers could rest and take in the beauty of North Carolina and the Great Smoky Mountains became a reality. The vision had to push past the ramshackle cabin and had to see beyond the neglected ranch house that sat waiting expectantly for someone to discover the charm and potential. These lonely structures were surrounded by acres and acres of the incredible beauty of trees, flowers, birds, wildlife and untouched raw natural land…a palette of color waiting for the right artist to take up a brush.


This land and all it has to offer needed to be shared – it needed to exist.


Passion led us here. Vision, drive and conviction has seen it through. Enthusiasm, wonder and excitement has realized a dream. We found the idea compelling enough to follow it and want to share. Won’t you come and see?



~Nantahala Ridge Campground~



Reflections from a first time camper